Cybersecurity Solutions

Data Loss Protection Data Security (SWARM)

Your go-to Partner

Northwest’s commitment to security also extends into security in today’s digital world. Northwest is partnered with cybersecurity company, Autnhive, to provide accessible cyber resiliency solutions to ensure your data and information is protected and made private.

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The Next Gen Data Security Protection

Demystify data security, privacy & compliance and make it easy for everyone. Anyone, with any skill level can implement data level protection and compliance right away.

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Demystify data security, privacy & compliance and make it easy for everyone. Anyone, with any skill level can implement data level protection and compliance right away.

Enabling data protection by design and default along with the six magic elements is hard for most organizations as it takes a lot of time, resources, cost and diverts the companies focus away from their primary business.

Swarm makes it easy for you to focus on your business and accelerate your digital transformation, enabling instant data compliance, security, privacy and control over your unstructured data in the endpoints and cloud.

Let your data “Bee Buzzed by Swarm“

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How does it work?

Automatically crawls your systems and drives
Automatically discovers and indexes your unstructured data
Enables Granular Data Level Security Controls as recommended by the law.
Delinks Data & System for further protection
Automatically deploys CISA & FBI recommendations for ransomware protection
Automatically detects & responds to unstructured data threats
User regains full protection, control and visibility of their unstructured data at a granular file level
User gets auditable compliance (HIPPA, GPDR, CPRA, VCDPA, NIST Zero Trust, State and Federal Encryption Laws, etc.)

Ready to get started?

Northwest's dedication to security extends beyond physical security and we are currently expanding our line of business into the cybersecurity industry

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